In 2016, from January till June, Rwanda Resilience and Grounding organization (RRGo) had introduced a project with title: Building resilience on genocide survivors through CRM skills training in the southern province of Rwanda. This project was targeting 4 Districts of the Southern Province of Rwanda including HUYE, NYAMAGABE, NYARUGURU and NYANZA Districts. Trauma Resource Institute (TRI) funded the project. The project was aimed to increase resilience in genocide survivors and providing a healing process of trauma and mental health problems. The project was targeting 40 to 50 genocide survivors trained by each district.

After the CRM skills training in each district above, the trainees formed an association called the “ Resilience association”. It means a group of genocide survivors who had trauma more than others and trained CRM skills and impact trauma healing and building resilience in them. Since then, we had 4 associations from different districts in the southern province of Rwanda.

In the starting point, these beneficiaries were really traumatized and have more trauma symptoms including experiencing and flashbacks of traumatic events, depressions comorbidities, hypervigilance. … The recruitment of them were based on the information from districts levels and the list RRGO received from the Director coordinator in charge of health and disease prevention from each district. After the project, they meet one time per month under their association and discussing their resources and positive stories; they help each other. After three months, each group was visited by RRGO staff and does refresher training and asks them any challenges and opportunity in keeping using CRM skills in their daily like in the rural area

Field Visits

On 30th April 2019 RRGO staff including Ernest RUKINGA and Samuel Habimana visited three groups of resilience association from Huye and Nyamagabe districts, Kamonyi. After 4 years of introducing CRM skills project on them, they are presenting an image of recovery, reconfiguration and resilience from trauma. They had to make cooperative and they are now making improve not only their mental health by also their social-economic development. Resilience is strong when it is fed and extended by using resource and resource intensification.