Rwanda Resilience and Grounding Organization (RRGO) is the Non-Governmental Organization is delighted to the partners and funders in its activities that aim at contributing on trauma healing and mental health promotion.

Rwanda is one of Sub-Saharan countries which experienced many traumatic events, which have negatively affected the mental health, and social wellness of the citizens of all ages for both genders. The eligible studies indicated that the young people younger than 25 who born after the tragedy of genocide have developed the trauma and other psychosocial disorders associated with genocide. The trans-generation transmission is one the important contributor to these psychosocial problems that lead to mortality and morbidity. The mental problems considered as the effects of the transmission of trauma from the generation to another include depression, suicidal temptation or ideation, anti-social behaviors, anxiety disturbances, chronic headache, and other associated psychosocial effects that are still at high level among the young people born during and/or after Rwandan genocide against Tutsis in 1994. Some investigators in mental health domain demonstrated that trauma, Post-Traumatic stress Disorder (PTSD), depressive disorders, and anxiety disorders are still highly prevalent in the on the Rwandan born during and/or after the Rwandan genocide against Tutsis in 1994. Sezibera,V., and Mutuyimana,C. (2016), Mutesa, Rutembesa et al. (2018) discovered that the rate of trauma of the individuals who were born during and/or after genocide against Tutsis in 1994 varied from 45 to 57% . The psychological disorders including PTSD, phobia, antisocial behaviors, memory impairment depression disorders and anxiety diseases were strongly predicted by the mother or parents to their children transmission (Epigenetics, exposure of the parents with Trauma…).

Trans-generational trauma is trauma that is transferred from the first generation of trauma survivors to the second and further generations of offspring of the survivors via complex post-traumatic stress disorder mechanisms. As the parents and guardians or community members in whom these young people are from experienced trauma, these news born from 1994 have experienced trauma early childhood which is the main factor that lead to mental health problems in adolescence and adulthood. Thereof, they need the psychological potential interventions for attenuating trauma rate and stop the behavioral effects of trauma which pass down to the next generation due to the trauma’s negative effects, such as depression.

Due to the high prevalence of the trauma among the young people younger than 25 years old, to keep expanding CRM skills among these target people for balancing the nervous system and promote their mental health is mostly important for the wonderful future of the country and Rwandan communities. Therefore, RRGO is introducing the new project entitled «Stopping Trauma transmission in Rwanda (STTR) from generation to new generation» for the promotion of mental health of the young people learning in primary and secondary schools as well as their families.

We offer numerous opportunities for people looking for an African experience and need to promote mental wellbeing of Rwandans who experienced the traumatic events that have the negative effect on their mental, social and environmental health. These opportunities include internship, volunteering and research participation. The programmes of RRGO are designed to meet to promote and create the resilience expansion among the individuals and communities that are suffering psychosocial diseases and need the potential psychological interventions for their health promotion.

In 2016,RRGO with funds from Trauma Resource Institute (TRI) conducted a research on CRM skills in Rwanda. the findings indicated that Community Resilience Model skills are more effective to treat trauma and other mental disorders like depressive and anxiety diseases in Rwanda culture and contribute more in trauma healing and it contribute in Building Resilience and way for Post Traumatic growth among Rwandans community. This interventional approach is also effective on both sex and aged from 5years to older years. We are assuming that CRM skills trainings on secondary schools in Rwanda should decrease at the sometimes stopping trauma transmission from Parents to children (traumatized parents to their children born after 1994 or in the same year.

The method that will be used is the well-organized trainings sessions of CRM skills that will be assigned to the students from recruited schools. The CRM interventional training will also be provided to the families where young trainees will be from. This will be important to prevent trauma transmissions, build resilience and mental wellbeing on generations born after 1994 genocide.

The funding to this piloting project in first months of 2019 so that we can keep studies how we should extend in many schools as much as possible.

Show your support and intervention for the mental wellness among the traumatized people and whoever with the mental impairment. RRGO is ready to work hand-in-hand with the people of all ages and for both sexes. The implementation of the current project will contribute on:

  • Trauma Healing and other mental health problems among adolescents;
  • Decreasing the rate of trauma crises;
  • Building and expending resilience zone among adolescents;
  • Extending healing model in present and future Rwanda community

One individual or institution, NGO would like to partner with us for implementing this project. You warmly welcome. Also any individual or institution care   should contact us via

RRGO strongly recognize and value the role of the supporters and/or funders for promoting mental health of Rwandans who experienced trauma. This makes RRGO rise voice in building resilience and healing trauma in Rwanda.

Samuel Habimana

Samuel Habimana